A family owned independent business Group founded in 1938.
The painter’s fillers, our know-how:
- For substrates preparation and decoration;
- In powder or in paste
- For the trade professionals and the discerning semi professional DIY user
Our vocation: to support the success of all the users by providing filler solutions which are : innovative, competitive, high quality, simple, quick and reliable.
Leader in its markets*
A production capacity of 7 factories around the world
An International Group
- 7 business subsidiaries (France, UK, Switzerland, Benelux, Spain, Poland, Lebanon)
- 200 employees
* Source : GFK and professional organisations
Our Values
The customers:
- We keep our customers at the heart of our projects and actions.
The people:
- Developing the commitment and skills of each person to make the company business grow.
- Prudent Spending, investing for the future, selling at the right price.
High Standards:
- Setting primarily ourselves high standards in order to offer our customers and users the highest quality.
- A team know-how which lies in the spirit of openness, risks taking and experience.
1938 :
- Foundation of the company established by Désiré Jardin and first launched on the French market as brand name «Toupret »: the first powder filler dedicated the building professionals.
The 1950's :
- Exports towards Europe, the Maghreb countries and Africa
- Launch of Toupret Cachet Bleu, a leading product today in the finest skimming fillers
The 1960's :
- Invention of the colour codes: Red for filling and Blue pour smoothing.
- The Setting-up of the demonstration service to support the customer in the filed.
The 1970's :
- Segmentation of the product offering by function: filling and smoothing
- Reorientation of the business to the maintenance and renovation market
The 1980's :
- First simple packaging: informative and printed in four-colours including action
- Support of the DIY network development
The 1990's :
- Launch of the first decorative fillers.
- Creation of the first joint-venture in Lebanon: SOLEBAT company
The 2000's :
- Takeover of Enduipaint factory (paste fillers)
- Creation of foreign business subsidiaries : UK, Switzerland, Benelux, Spain
Since 2001 :
- Toupret sets up production in Syria
Since 2005 :
- Creation of a new subsidiary in Poland
- New governance and transmission from the 2nd to the 3rd generation family pictures